LASIK Post Operative Instructions

November 8th, 2017
senior man recovering in bed

These instructions may be changed by your doctor. Please follow your doctors’ instructions.

Immediately After Surgery

Go home and go to sleep. When you are asleep your body goes into a healing mode. Sleeping is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you are uncomfortable, take two of your Extra Strength Tylenol tablets. Repeat once every 2-4 hours as needed. You should not drive a car, operate machinery, or attempt stairs immediately following surgery. You will be given an eye shield for your operative eye(s). Please wear the shields for the first day/night after surgery and the following two nights at bedtime to prevent you from rubbing your eyes(s) while sleeping.

General Cleanliness

Do not get anything in your eye(s) such as makeup, soap, and water, or any particular matter. If you do, this will greatly increase your risk of infection. Avoid swimming pools and hot tubs for one week. Do not rub your eye(s) or allow any trauma to your eyes for one month.

First Day After Surgery

You will return to the clinic the first day after surgery. You can expect your vision to be hazy.

Medicated Eye-Drop Instructions

You may begin putting drops in your operative eye(s) four hours after surgery unless instructed otherwise by the doctor. You can expect your eye(s) to sting when you put them in. Please follow these instructions for each drop:

  • Zymar / Vigamox: One drop four times a day for five days, then discontinue.
  • Predforte / Econo Pred: One drop four times a day for five days, then discontinue.
  • Use these medications five minutes apart from each other so you do not wash one drop out with the other.
  • Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime is a good timeline for the application of said drops.

Artificial Tears: Use liberally in between your medicated drops even though your eyes might feel fine. These artificial tears are preservative free and can be found in any drugstore. You must use these drops for the first 20 days after your surgery on an as-needed basis.

The Following Days

Your vision may fluctuate for the first 1-2 months. You may notice some light sensitivity and/or glare, particularly at night. Any immediate post-operative discomfort you feel will begin to subside. You may notice some temporary overcorrection for the first few weeks. All of this is normal. Get plenty of rest.

Follow-up Visits

You are asked to return one day after your surgery for your first follow-up visit, then one week after your surgery, one month, three months, six months, and then one year. If you have any unusual problems or have any questions about your appointments, please call our office at (720)-524-1001.