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What is the Retina?

There is a thin layer covering most of the inside of the back of your eye called the retina. Because the retina receives light, encodes it, and transmits it to the brain, problems with the retina’s function can interfere with vision. There are many different diseases and conditions that can affect the retina, some of which present an emergency situation requiring prompt treatment from a qualified retina specialist. We don’t have retina specialists.

What is the Retina?

There is a thin layer covering most of the inside of the back of your eye called the retina. Because the retina receives light, encodes it, and transmits it to the brain, problems with the retina’s function can interfere with vision. There are many different diseases and conditions that can affect the retina, some of which present an emergency situation requiring prompt treatment from a qualified retina specialist. We don’t have retina specialists.

Retinal Conditions and Diseases

The most common conditions and diseases impacting the retina include:

  • Retinal tear
  • Retinal detachment
  • Macular degeneration
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Macular hole
  • Epiretinal membrane
  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): AMD is the leading cause of blindness in people over 65 years old in the U.S. It is a condition involving the macula, which is the center part of the retina, and leads to loss of detailed vision. When the macula is affected, you may have difficulty reading, driving, and seeing faces. You may find it significantly harder to do near-work, such as threading a needle, or you may not be able to distinguish small objects.

Despite the variances between these conditions, the symptoms produced are usually the same.

Symptoms and Risk Factors

Common symptoms of retinal diseases and conditions include:: new floaters, flashes of light, loss of vision, changes in peripheral vision, and wavy or blurred vision.

You might be surprised to hear that you can reduce your risk of retinal disease by making good choices today: maintain a healthy weight by exercising and eating well and not smoking.

Some retinal issues aren not within your control: age, family history of retinal disease, and eye trauma.

Be sure to discuss risk factors with your provider and follow your eye doctor’s recommendation for annual or more frequent preventative examinations.


There are various treatments for retinal conditions. Your eye doctor will help you choose the treatment that offers the lowest risk and the greatest benefit. Potential treatment options may include:

  • Laser surgery
  • Injecting gas or air into the eye
  • Shrinking blood vessels
  • Injectable medications
  • Removing and then replacing the fluid inside the eye

Request a preventative or diagnostic appointment with one of our local retina specialists for evaluation of your specific symptoms and concerns, like retinal detachment or other complications.

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