Understanding Glaucoma Test Results

April 30th, 2021

Do you see medical tests as “pass or fail” situations? Let’s change that. Our ICON Eyecare glaucoma specialists in Grand Junction use your glaucoma tests to protect your sight, so we take a positive view of them. When you come for eye exams and glaucoma treatment in Grand Junction at ICON Eyecare, you’ll find that we apply the most advanced research and technologies to treating your glaucoma.

Will I Need Surgery?

If you are concerned about the future, let’s take steps. First, our top glaucoma specialists in Grand Junction will guide you if you need glaucoma treatment. We’re leading providers of cataract and LASIK eye surgery in Grand Junction — if you need it. The leading glaucoma treatment is just eye drops. When needed, surgery is advanced, straightforward, comfortable and safe. Treatment is a powerful answer to glaucoma, and we’re the right choice for great results.

Glaucoma Testing

A glaucoma test is typically part of your annual eye exam. You probably won’t notice individual tests. We take measurements during your annual visit to check for glaucoma but will do more detailed tests if you are visiting for a glaucoma evaluation. (We don’t do the puff test).

Eye Pressure Measurements (IOP)

Tonometry is part of every routine eye exam. Your “score” is typically between 12 and 20 mmHg. IOP, or intraocular pressure, is an important indicator of whether glaucoma may be a concern. We look at the big picture to be sure.

Optic Nerve Exam

Since glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve, we take a look. A moment with a lens and bright light. Certain changes to the nerve may indicate it’s time to take action.

Field of Vision

Glaucoma also affects how far you can see to the side – your peripheral vision – when you’re looking forward. We measure this and make a note, part of our overall diagnostic and treatment process. If needed, you will take a formal visual field test which measures your peripheral vision in detail.

Angle where the Iris Meets the Cornea

This is a risk factor for glaucoma that we measure, and factor into our recommended treatments.

Thickness of the Cornea

Another risk factor that typically helps determine your overall glaucoma risk.

You don’t have to go too far to find great glaucoma care and other eye specialists as well. Our Glaucoma Center of Excellence provides you with top glaucoma specialists in Grand Junction, right here on the western slope of the Rockies. We encourage you to get your regular eye exams for early diagnosis and treatment of any potential eye conditions. Contact us for an appointment if you have concerns about your eyes.