Home Preparing for the Day of Your Procedure
Preparing for the Day of your Procedure


  • Do not eat or drink anything, including mints, gum, candy, coffee, and water, 8 hours before your surgery time.
  • Prescribed medications may be taken with a small sip of water in the morning.
  • If you are diabetic, do not take insulin and/or oral diabetic medications the morning of surgery.


  • An adult driver must accompany you and remain available and onsite during the procedure.
  • Please only bring one guest as your driver.

Personal Items:

  • Please leave all jewelry at home.
  • Bring rescue inhalers with you the day of surgery.
  • If you require portable oxygen, please bring a portable tank with you to surgery.


  • No smoking the morning of your surgery.

Duration at the Surgery Center:

  • The time spent at our center averages approximately 2 to 3 hours.

Other Important information:

  • Glaucoma drops may be taken as usual.
  • If you are required to have an INR, please report your most recent INR (within 7 days) to the surgery center 970.245.5989.
  • Bathe or shower prior to surgery. Remove any makeup the night before surgery, especially mascara. Do not wear facial products or scented products the day of surgery.
  • Please ensure you have obtained your post-operative drops prior to your procedure.
  • Report any health changes to us between now and your procedure date.

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the cancellation of your surgery.


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